Graphical context
Graphical context is an encapsulation of the system graphical context and serves to unify rendering procedures and isolate platform-dependent code.
The interface:
class graphic
graphic(system_context &context);
void init(const rect &max_size, color background_color);
void release();
void set_background_color(color background_color);
void clear(const rect &position);
void flush(const rect &updated_size);
void draw_pixel(const rect &position, color color_);
void draw_line(const rect &position, color color_, uint32_t width = 1);
rect measure_text(const std::string &text, const font &font_);
void draw_text(const rect &position, const std::string &text, color color_, const font &font_);
void draw_rect(const rect &position, color fill_color);
void draw_rect(const rect &position, color border_color, color fill_color, uint32_t border_width, uint32_t round);
/// draw some buffer on context
void draw_buffer(const rect &position, uint8_t *buffer, int32_t left_shift, int32_t top_shift);
/// draw another graphic on context
void draw_graphic(const rect &position, graphic &graphic_, int32_t left_shift, int32_t top_shift);
Takes the system context from the window as input
Initialization of the subsystem
- max_size - maximum size of the drawing field
- background_color - fill color
Deinitialization of the subsystem, clearing
Change fill color
Clearing the area with fill color
- position - coordinates of the area to be cleared
Resetting (drawing) the area to the system graphic context
- updated_size - coordinates of the reset area
Drawing a point
- position - coordinates of the point
- color_ - color of the point
Drawing a line
- position - coordinates of the start and end points
- color_ - line color
- width - line thickness
Returns the dimensions of the text line in pixels
- text - line
- font_ - font
Draw text string
- position - coordinates of the upper left corner of the string
- text - line text
- color_ - color
- font_ - font
draw_rect #1
Drawing a simple rectangle
- position - coordinates
- fill_color - fill color
draw_rect #2
Drawing a rectangle with border and rounding
- position - coordinates
- border_color - border color
- fill_color - fill color
- border_width - border thickness
- round - radius of rounding
Draw buffer with RGB32 color depth
- position - coordinates for drawing
- buffer - buffer
- buffer_size - buffer size in bytes
Drawing another graphic context
- position - coordinates for drawing
- graphic_ - graphic context
- left_shift - x offset
- top_shift - y offset